Principal's Welcome

Welcome to St Mary’s Catholic School, a school that prides itself in personalising learning and well-being for all students. 

St Mary’s is a culturally inclusive community, proud of the local Wiradjuri culture. With faith as the focal point at St Mary’s, we place high value on the moral and social development of every child and embrace parent engagement in all aspects of our school. We pride ourselves on our pastoral care and connections with our local community, with a strong and vibrant Parents and Friends Association and community Task Force.

As a small school, St Mary’s is able to offer rich and varied opportunities for all students. Students are able to take on leadership and mentoring roles, school representation in cultural and sport events and develop long lasting friendships across the school community. 

Thank you for your partnership with us as together we support your child in their educational and social journey through St Mary’s Catholic School.

Mrs Leanne Clarke